CRM data

What is CRM data?

The CRM data (or store-checks data) allow to evaluate the qualitative elements of the presence of SKUs in store since they are derived from observations made by the Sales Representatives or by panelists.

They are limited to the stores visited since sales forces never cover the entire channels of distribution especially when it comes to smaller supermarkets and convenience stores.

They have essentially a statistical value as the frequency of sales force visits to the stores (at best weekly) does not allow to get a daily picture of the situation especially with regard to out-of-stocks and pricing.

They are an ideal complement to the sell-out data in terms of shelf share information or quality of promotional exposure.

Quantitative KPIs (how much?)

  • None

Operational excellence KPIs (how?)

  • Price (visited stores only)
  • Promotional exposure (yes/no, type of exposure)
  • Communication

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